Take your career to the Next Level
We believe in work hard and party harder and have tons of fun while writing lines of code!!!

Learn with ABSYZ
At ABSYZ, we believe that all-round development of our employees contributes largely to the way they perform at work and their attitude towards it.
We are a company that values diversity and our workplaces are teeming with people from different backgrounds, varied geographies and cultures. To empower our employees, we created ABSYZ Clubs:
The Knowhow Club
Works in tandem with ABSYZ’s philosophy of continuous upgradation of knowledge and skills.
Its job is to ensure that the employees are aligned with the latest trends and technologies seen in the IT marketplace, so that all employees get a chance to bring themselves to speed in their knowledge and awareness of these.
Besides technology, the Knowhow Club also focuses significantly in developing managerial skills among the young leaders within ABSYZ.
The Sports Club
Works with the objective of developing physical and mental fitness of ABSYZians, besides giving them a healthy dose of competitive spirit when our teams play against each other and against other companies.
Working long hours in front of a computer needs someone to balance the mind and body equation and the sports club provides the avenues to do exactly that.
We participate in various corporate level events and compete with the best of best in the industry.
The Entertainment Club
As its name suggests, aims at entertaining the employees, but not just through project completion parties and quarterly get-togethers, but also through company shows and events that give each employee a chance to show her skills and talents, whether in music or dance, stand-up comedy or dramatics, art or debate.
The ABSYZ Foundation Day event held annually showcases a set of well-planned team-based events that are a precursor to the Annual Event, and start more than a month in advance. Clearly, ABSYZians know how to mix their work with pleasure, and the Entertainment Club works hard to keep it that way.

Doing our bit for the community
The CSR Club focuses on working with socially relevant issues, with marginalised communities and issues related to children’s education with the aid of NGOs that are already firmly entrenched in doing significant work in these areas. Animal rights and environmental issues also feature in its plans frequently and the number of volunteers for this club are increasing with each year.

Join the team that celebrates talent
We are always eager to meet fresh talent that brings new perspectives to the way we go about things.
Send us your resume at recruitment@absyz.com