
LWC with Aura Components,Calling controller from LWC,LDS in LWC

LWC with Aura Components,Calling controller from LWC,LDS in LWC

Calling controller from LWC: Lightning web components can import methods from Apex classes into the JavaScript classes using ES6 import.Once after importing the apex class method you can able to call the apex methods as functions into the component by calling either via the wire service or imperatively. Import Syntax import apexMethod from’@salesforce/apex/Namespace.Classname.apexMethod’; apexMethod …

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Build Customized & Powerful Salesforce Mobile App's with React Native.

Build Customized & Powerful Salesforce Mobile App’s with React Native.

Hello!! If you’re reading this, at the end you’ll have a very clear idea on how to build an Salesforce powered mobile app with React Native.  Excited enough? Let’s get Started!! Giving your users the ease of access to data, and delivering the best UX is the best you can do for your business. Going …

Build Customized & Powerful Salesforce Mobile App’s with React Native. Read More »

Change Data Capture Events in Salesforce - Keep your UI Updated with latest data

Change Data Capture Events in Salesforce – Keep your UI Updated with latest data

Change Data Capture(CDC) events :- This is still a new term in Salesforce world . Do you know how powerful it is ? If not read this post and learn CDC events Have you ever faced the issue when you are viewing the record and at the same time other user has modified the same …

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Einstein Analytics: Creating Date Fields in Recipes for Toggles

Einstein Analytics: Creating Date Fields in Recipes for Toggles

Originally Posted on December 4, 2018; Last updated on November 5, 2020. Einstein Analytics by Salesforce is a cloud-based AI-powered advanced analytics tool that helps in exploring data quickly and with Salesforce Analytics Query Language (SAQL) to query, manage your datasets and customize dashboards programmatically. Formerly known as Wave Analytics Cloud, it integrated very well …

Einstein Analytics: Creating Date Fields in Recipes for Toggles Read More »

introduction to salesforce streaming API

Introduction To Salesforce Streaming API

Salesforce Streaming API enables streaming of events using push technology and provides a subscription mechanism for receiving events in near real time. The Salesforce Streaming API subscription mechanism supports multiple types of events, including PushTopic events, generic events, platform events, and Change Data Capture events. Where do we use it?? Salesforce Streaming API is used …

Introduction To Salesforce Streaming API Read More »

Step by step process of integration between Outlook and Salesforce by Service Account Connection method

Step by step process of integration between Outlook and Salesforce by Service Account Connection method

This blog post helps you to integrate Microsoft Outlook and Salesforce by using Lightning for Outlook by Service Account connection method. Integration with Salesforce and sync works only when Outlook email belongs to any one of the below Office 365 editions. Enterprise Essentials Business Premium Steps to be followed by Global Administrator of Office 365 account …

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Combining RESTful Web Services and for creating publicly asccessible URL

Combining RESTful Web Services and for creating publicly asccessible URL

The REST API lets you use a simple and lightweight API to access data, using standard OAuth, together with a choice of data flavors – XML and JSON. The REST API is configured out of the box to suit the basic CRUD (create, read, update and delete) operations of data management. Apex REST …

Combining RESTful Web Services and for creating publicly asccessible URL Read More »


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